Look for water footprint SHUIFU M7 trip, Southeast Station: Malaysia-Car wash SHUIFU machine

After nearly two years of painstaking research and development, water SHUIFU GT once again heavy attack, the grand launch of its latest research results - Water SHUIFU M7 type car wash equipment.

M7 a launch, which has been a strong concern in the industry, first, M7 as car wash equipment industry in product performance and product technology double breakthrough product, its listing is the non-contact washing machine as a major breakthrough in the field of car wash equipment For domestic washing machine market, it has extraordinary significance. Secondly, in the industry that "has no match for foreign-made washing machine washing machine", the water SHUIFU by virtue of technology, quality and effectiveness of M7 known not only won the highly recognized in the domestic market, in foreign markets, M7 high cost it is attracting the attention of many foreign customers.

How to prove a product of fire? See in equipment sales to know. M7 month 70-80 units sold, customers install equipment must book a month in advance. Acclaim, many customers it is in the water under the SHUIFU M7 user presentation come to buy. If these were not enough to prove a product of fire, so now let us embark on trip to look for footprints M7, M7 distinctive witness together, you ready yet ......

2017-06-21 10:36:10